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エマージェンシー (Emergency) by Disaster Area (DOS Demo)

エマージェンシー (Emergency) by Disaster Area (DOS Demo)


    _______ __   __ _______ ______   _______ _______ __    _ _______ __   __    
   |       |  |_|  |       |    _  ||       |       |  |  | |       |  | |  |   
   |       |       |       |   | | ||       |       |  |  | |       |  | |  |   
   |    ___|       |    ___|   | | ||    ___|    ___|   |_| |       |  |_|  |   
   |   |___|       |   |___|   |_| ||   | __|   |___|  _    |      _|       |   
   |    ___| ||_|| |    ___|    __  |   ||  |    ___| | |   |     | |_     _|   
   |   |___| |   | |   |___|   |  | |   |_| |   |___| | |   |     |_  |   |     
   |_______|_|   |_|_______|___|  |_|_______|_______|_|  |__|_______| |___|     
                                         _______  _______  _______  _______     
   Code hacked by bananaboy & sh0ck     |       ||  _    ||       ||       |    
   Music tuned by cTrix                 |____   || | |   ||____   ||___    |    
   Graphics pixelled by darkowl & ript  | ______|| |_|   || ______||___    |    
   Design by darkowl & sumaleth         | |_____ |       || |_____  ___|   |    
Emergency by Disaster Area
*Final version*

It's 2123 and the Early AI Detection and Protection Agency has just detected a
strange, powerful signal from DEEP SPACE!

Beeps and boops and childhood dreams. Bringing back those memories from your
DOS filled days. Protected mode, 320x200x256 to cover your spectrum and GUS/SB
support for your aural pleasure.

Small bugs fixed and performance tweaks for a smoother experience.
Pentium 100, 10MB RAM minimum.

1st place for the Oldskool demo category at Syntax 2023.

Keeping the flame alive.

The demo supports the following command-line arguments:

Use a tweaked 320x200 256 colour mode derived from mode 13h but running at
60hz instead of the usual 70hz. Greetz and thanks to wbc\\bz7 for the code!

Don't wait for vsync when copying the main memory backbuffer to VGA memory.


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