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The forest center near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area

They sell things that come in cups, or with napkins. Lots of people cycle/run/walk here instead of driving, seems pretty stupid.

Taking away the bins doesn't mean you don't produce rubbish....

Edit: I think there is still a bin IN the cafe, but most people eat/drink outside. Lots of people asking staff where the bins are. Still hypocritical I think though? (And still mildly infuriating to remove well used bins!)

  • there is a bin in the café according to you lmao.

    this is ridiculous tbh, protecting wildlife is more important than your convenience in that place lmao, you're annoyed that you have to walk inside to throw your trash?? wtf lol.

    • The only problem with the bins that got removed had with wildlife was when wasps nested in them one year. They had sprung loaded flaps

  • The places with the fewest places to deposit one's trash are always the ones with the most litter. Always.

    If someone wants another person to adapt a behavior, from a purely practical standpoint, that person must make the other person's job easier or it will simply not work to get them to adapt. If this wasn't a forest (such as it is, it being the UK), the only proper thing to do would be to dump as much trash there as possible while demanding the bins back until they get the message and cave in. I could write a whole book here about how the packaging industry paid lobbyists and PR firms to put the blame on consumers for the useless crap they make existing in the first place, and shaming them into keeping it out of sight and thus out of mind. I won't. But it's a tale vile enough that it convinced me that there's a time and a place for littering as protest. The woods aren't the place.

    Besides, there ARE receptacles that are critter resistant. This is an absolute cop out, and seeing how landscaped the area is, a couple of bins would hardly scar the landscape. This is pure crap. I looked the place up, and it's NOT the kind of place where you deny people trash receptacles, nor is it the kind of place you can credibly base your argument on "we don't want animals to get used to people". Good lord, what a bunch of idiocy.

  • I was walkin' through the forest

    And a sign said they removed the bins to produce less rubbish

    "We kindly ask all visitors to take their litter home!"

    Man, what do I look like, a garbage bin?

    I threw it on the ground!

  • I fully support the choice to remove the bins. I visited a beauty spot in Scotland recently that has a coffee van in the carpark. The young couple I took there went to add their empty cups to the already overflowing bin, and were baffled when I insisted they take them to the car, which was ten steps away. "But there's a bin!" Yes you numpties, and the wind is already spreading its contents everywhere. Be part of the solution, not the problem.

  • Why can’t they have a dumpster with lid?

    People are just going to litter if they didn’t plan ahead to bring a trash bag.

    • They had some reasonably nice bins with wooden shells around them and spring loaded doors to keep the birds etc out.

  • Don't buy anything at the cafe if you're not prepared to carry it out, I wouldn't.

  • See how much garbage you can stack on/wedge into the sign before they put bins back there.

    • I think the site office has a post box

      • That's just a hassle for the postal service and people sending mail; they undoubtedly have nothing to do with this. (tampering with mail is also a felony...)

  • We have a commitment to producing no rubbish on-site. Well, we had one, but then budget cuts took away our garbage bins, so now I guess you have a commitment to producing no rubbish on-site.