Chinese company’s ‘dark factory’ will no human workers soon be the norm
Chinese company’s ‘dark factory’ will no human workers soon be the norm
Chinese company’s ‘dark factory’ will no human workers soon be the norm
Automation under capitalism is terrible, which is the point of view of the article, but automation under communism is awesome:
Robots have been assembling things like vehicles and electronics for decades, but the sudden shift away from flesh and bone on the factory floor has given us another uneasy glimpse into the future of employment.
? OoOo, spooky, no more shitty factory jobs, so uneasy, future of full automation, scaaaary
When China employs people, it's called slavery and colonialism and "Han chauvinism" and Yoghurt genocide.
When China pays workers more than adequate wages and better working conditions, it's bribery and manipulation.
When China uses automation, it's "muh spooky 1984 totalitarian SE-SEE-MAI-PEE-PEE sneaky Chian-kneeze plans"
China/communism can't fucking win, with these crakkkers.
"But at what cost?!1"
China/communism can’t fucking win, with these crakkkers.
Life becomes so much better when you stop caring about what these people think
I'm sure it might to an extent, but these people are warmongering bootlickers for the Amerikkkan empire.
"China economy about to collapse!"
Posted 15 years ago
Gordon Chang after all this goddamn time still insists that this year is when China will collapse. Some horseshit about real estate banking and the SEE-SEE-MAI-PEE-PEE being unable to pull another "2011" type of alleged economic rescue.
Nearly every single time someone accuses China of allegedly having a terrible economy, I feel like punching a goddamn wall.
If China is considered terrible, I'd hate to see what anti-communists consider to be a "good" or horrible economy.
I think most people would rather have a "terrible" economy where all of their basic and most of their advanced needs and desires are met, with alleged "overcapacity" to spare, rather than a shithole fascist country where it costs an hour's salary to buy a fucking carton of milk, and rent that's even more expensive than your goddamn wage.
parenti quote
-- Michael Parenti, Blackshirts And Reds
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Neat, the removal of social average human labour in the production of a commodity is the key to removing the commodity form from society and therefore overcoming capitalism