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Red Viper - A [no longer] Brand New Virtual Boy Emulator For The Nintendo 3DS

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Video is a year old, but I hadn't heard of the emulator before, and it was interesting to see in action.

  • As long as we're talking Virtual Boy, I'll plug my QoL patches for Virtual Boy games.

    Most of the patches are for adding save support, which covers the following games:

    • Bound High!
    • Golf
    • Jack Bros.
    • Mario Clash
    • Nester's Funky Bowling
    • Red Alarm
    • Space Squash
    • Vertical Force
    • V-Tetris
    • Waterworld

    In some cases, this amounts to saving your high scores, since a lot of VB games are very arcade-style and don't really merit saving progression. However, for a few (Bound High, Golf, Jack Bros., Mario Clash and Space Squash), your gameplay progress is saved. These games are greatly improved by the addition of save support.

    There's a couple of other patches which aren't save-related:

    • For Bound High!, there's a debug patch which unlocks all of the dummied-out debug features left behind in the game. While they are cross-compatible, I don't recommend using this in conjunction with the save patch because entering the debug codes to have all stages completed will also overwrite your save data. I suggest patching two different ROMs, so you have a debug ROM without saving, and a retail ROM with saving.
    • For Hyper Fighting, there's a bug fix patch to correct the brightness setting.