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  • From a personal musing from my discord server with friends:

    I think I kinda personally hate how everyone blames everything bad on Putin/Russia, ignoring the decades of national born Americans who were fascists and laid the groundwork for this.

    Steve Bannon is American. Peter Thiel is American. Bush is American. Reagan. Nixon. There are countless more rich and politicians who enabled and wanted this who are American, not any other nationality or ethnicity.

    Putin is a dickhead but I don't think we can blame every small thing Republicans/conservatives have wanted and gotten since the 1960s on one man half way around the world.

    It feels like deflecting blame to an "other" to ignore how liberal democracy enabled the slow rising tide of fascism because it was better for profits than treating people with dignity or rights.

    • "It's the fault of immigrants" and "Trump's working for Putin" are just two faces of the same "Americans good, foreigners bad" thinking: the problems in America couldn't possibly the the fault of the American power and money elites.

      American Liberals are just as prone to preach prejudiced, nationalism and exceptionalism to the riff-raff in the defense of the very same American elites as American Conservatives.

    • well Amerikkka has been a genocidal colonial project since day 0 that hardly ever was a functioning democracy (two party state much?), de facto has an elected Monarch and it's the worst thing to happen to humanity right after the British empire and the Third Reich (in that order; Spanish, French and Portuguese ones trail (this is my personal ranking, I'm also not perfectly versed in that part of history just fyi))

      btw it also was – in some aspects – the primary inspiration for the German fascists who applauded it for it's history of slavery, racial laws and "manifestation of destiny" (that's where the concept of "Lebensraum" comes from btw: "slaughter the untermensch indigenous slavic population to make place for the white German master race")

      also ye, bourgeois democracy is just a different side of the capitalist coin that flips to fascism in the instant capital feels too threatened

      edit: forgot to use "Amerikkka" instead of "USA" lol