Gay bar defends decision to eject Trump supporters despite their cries of “discrimination”
Gay bar defends decision to eject Trump supporters despite their cries of “discrimination”
Gay bar defends decision to eject Trump supporters despite their cries of “discrimination”
Tolerance doesn't exist for groups that are naturally intolerant, it's hilarious that they expect to be treated differently than they've sued and abused the system to be allowed to do to others
It’s called the paradox of tolerance. This graphic explains it pretty well:
Stealing this
Hensley also attempted to defend herself by saying one of her friends with her at the bar that night was Black: “They probably have every right to kick me out,” she told News 8. “If you don’t want me at your bar, that is what it is. But also, the man that was with me was an African American male. He was wearing a Trump hat.”
Right, I forgot the "B" in LGBTQ stands for "Black." It's a toss-up as to whether these people are actually this fucking stupid or just addicted to attention, but either way words cannot describe the amount of contempt I have for them.
"I can't be a bigot, I have this one black person I'm willing to call a friend!"
"He's a trump supporter, so he's one of the good ones"
I'd say they took inspiration from President Musk and are just happy owners of their own Meatshield. They just bought the black model, not the child model.
Is she saying the blackness cancels out the bigotry? Like if you wanna be publicly abhorrent to a group of people, you need at least one oppressed minority checkmark on the books?
I think she's saying that because he's black he's "untouchable" otherwise it's discrimination. It's the incorrect logic they use when arguing DEI. They think just because someone's black it means they get a free pass to do whatever they want and if someone tries to stop them, they can pull the "race card". (Note I don't agree with this at all, I think this is just the way this person's brain worked based on that quote)
It's actually legal to discriminate based on political party so
Get not-fucked idiots.
That, and fascists aren't a legally protected class.
Getting a lot of miles out of this screenshot.
they're right and they should say it. fascists have no place in queer spaces.
Edit wrong link
A tolerant society must be intolerant of intolerance.
Trump has cancelled discrimination laws, get the fuck out of bars and everywhere else
But also, the man that was with me was an African American male. He was wearing a Trump hat.
That person should be kicked out of the bar just for being terminally stupid.
I like how laughter erupts when they said "this is discrimination"
The disconnect is amazing.
If the bar lets Nazis in, it's a Nazi bar. Good on them for refusing to be a Nazi bar.
Your political beliefs are not a protected group. Y'all can go fuck yourselves.
lol they got rid of protected groups anyway! They don’t realize we can tell them to get out just as easily as they can tell us.
"Indianapolis resident Elise Hensley"
Dumb bitch fucking posted it on Facebook. I hope she gets fired for her hateful ways, 'cause wherever she's working supports nazis.
Did she really pull the "my token black friend" card?
If Idiocracy was prophecy, why not Get Out..?
Idiocracy runs on the assumption smart people would plan and prepare to save the stupid people down the line. Not rule them in cyberfeudalism. I wouldn't call it prophetic personally.
Get Out is a spotlight on existing problems. That have existed for a long time, and will likely continue to exist.
Man, that's insane, that they speak of discrimination. They're so deep in this victim role that they still don't know how to stand for their political views and eat the fucking consequences.
Fuck MAGA cunts. They need to be banned everywhere.
Is Chatterbox a gay bar? I've been going there for a couple years and thought it was just a jazz bar with a pride flag in the window.
Regardless, still glad they threw out the fascist.
These are the say people that support doctors and pharmacists for not treating people they don't like. They are the ones that support cake shops from making gay cakes.
They are all very familiar with wanting the ability to discriminate. But they don't expect that they will be on the other side of it.
Chatterbox sounds like a nice place. If I'm ever in Indy, I'll def. stop by for a beer, and conversation. Oooh, and I just looked they have Jazz music. I hope they continue for another 100 years!!
"Come for the jazz, conversation, drinks, Jamaican patties and oven-baked pizzas, as well as a historical trip into one of the rare holdouts in downtown Indianapolis … a bar that's been welcoming regulars and visitors since 1896."
I would patronize this establishment if I could.
Oh noooooo. Anyway...
My brain dead ass read "bar", as-in, like.. bar association.
The Gay Lawyers Bar Association, their suits would be the greatest ones in every court room as they defend their clients from bigotry and stupid laws.