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What is your cat's name, and what stupid nicknames do you call them?

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Edit: omg everyone please reply to each other with suggested additional nicknames

  • I had a cat named Buddy, and he would get up to a lot of mischief so we'd often refer to him as "the monster". Once you start calling your cat "Buddy monster" you'll find you're a very short distance from "monster of buddies I'm pulling your strings".

    Here's Buddy after wrecking his Christmas-themed RV:

  • Possum. Her nicknames are:

    • Poss
    • Poss-cat
    • Poss-kitty
    • Poss-ghetti and meatballs
  • Snuggles, Struggles, and Franny.

    Although we've started calling Struggles by new names such as Yappy Jackie, Gob, and Screamer.

  • Mimo, memes, mats shmickelson when eating, captain zeiksnor when annoying and sjattepoemel when sweet.

  • Lubochka / Lulu / Bochka / Bobo / Booboo / Bober / Boober / Luboo / Bochkin

  • I’ve got two. A void and (I think) a blue point.

    The void is Apollo, but his nickname is “what is that in your mouth”

    The blue point is Islay, but her nickname is “how the fuck did you get the toilet paper again”

  • This is Izzy.

    AKA Isabella, Queen Isabella Greypelt, Izzy Busy, Isabella Busy Boo, The Puke Monster and The Monochromatic Quadropus. At least one of those has one of those inane songs to go with it.

  • Scruffy aka Big Boy. Since i can't seem to upload, he has no teeth and a floppy ear. When he arrived on my doorstep 6 years ago, his fur was matted, his mouth bloody and inflamed (stomatitis, which got his teeth pulled) and he has a BB permanently lodged in his side from some asswipe that shot him. About 16 pounds.

  • My cats name is Jimmy and sometimes I call him Oggy, especially when he's chasing bugs (no cockroaches here but I hope you get the reference)