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European alternatives to Google's Gmail

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What European email services do you use?

Please recommend other interesting email services by your experience.

I have switched from Google's Gmail to ProtonMail and kMail. I really like both, kMail (by Infomaniak) have very similar app interface to Gmail so you will get used to it very fast and also have big storage for free and very good offers for paid plans 👍🏼

Originally posted on Reddit

  • Been using for a couple of years and I'm quite happy with it. Don't know what "needs client app" is supposed to mean though. If you don't want to use a mail client you can use the web interface. I've used maildroid on Android with it and when it was discontinued switched to Thunderbird, both work fine with

    There's one tiny minor annoyance, they somehow automatically create a new "archive" folder for every year that the web interface uses when you hit the archive button but in your mail client you gotta change the preferences manually once a year. Don't know if you can change but it's such a minor inconvenience I never bothered to check.

    • I've been happy with for years, too, yeah.

      My only complaint is their WebDav experience is...just not very good. It's probably that I wanted a sync client and not a webdav client. But it wasn't quite standard (iirc) so getting everything configured was a pain...

      • Yeah I'm using it for mail only but I remember when I first got the account it told me to install some weird extra app to sync tasks and calendars. Never bothered to and kept using Google unfortunately, maybe it's time to look into it.