Antidepressants Side Effects Chart
Antidepressants Side Effects Chart
I found this chart on reddit some time ago, I thought to repost it here as well
Antidepressants Side Effects Chart
I found this chart on reddit some time ago, I thought to repost it here as well
Pretty strange considering fluoxetine makes me sleep waayyy too much
Where is a living wage? That shit really helped me.
I suffer from persistent depressive disorder with occasional major depressive episodes (aka "double depression"). These are just some notes in case anyone can relate. I also just find this kind of thing interesting...
There's no section for "brain zaps".
I did a bit of searching but I don't really understand what QTc prolongation is. Can anyone help me understand?
During your heart’s electrical conduction there are different phases. You have the contraction of the atria. The little pumps above the ventricle (main pumps) whose role is to help fill up the ventricles. The contraction of the ventricles. The main pumping part of your heart that pumps the blood to both your body and your lungs. And the repolarisation of both the atria and the ventricles. Basically the heart muscle reseting for another beat.
The atria contract first and repolarise first. On an ECG (heart trace) the atrial contraction corresponds to the P-wave. The little wave at the front. The atrial repolarisation occurs during ventricular contraction so you can see it on the ecg. When the ventricular contraction occurs you see the sharp up and down squiggles on the ECG. This is the QRS complex. Following ventricular contraction there is ventricular repolarisation. This occurs after the QRS complex and looks like a really big P-wave. This is the T-wave.
QTc prolongation is when the T wave takes a long time to occur after the QRS complex. When it gets too bad it is dangerous because the electrical energy that occurs in the T wave can set off another contraction of the heart. This contraction occurs outside of the normal pattern of the heart and the heart does not pump effectively leading to something called torsades de pointe which can develop into ventricular fibrillation leading to cardiac arrest (your heart not really pumping any blood).
Here is a labeled picture of an ECG ignore the u-wave its not really relevant and does not always occur.
Here is a picture of the heart showing the location of the atria and ventricular Heart
Thank you, that's really helpful
The QT interval is a measurement made on an electrocardiogram used to assess some of the electrical properties of the heart. (...) An abnormally long or abnormally short QT interval is associated with an increased risk of developing abnormal heart rhythms and sudden cardiac death.
QTc stands for QT corrected for heart rate, the medication that increases QTc will increase the risk of certain dangerous heart conditions.
Thank you 😊
Needs a column for "makes you feel like you are Being John Malkoviching as you linger behind your own eyes and watch another version of yourself interact with the world while being confused about who is actually controlling your vessel", and put Bupropion at a 12.
I have never been diagnosed with anything and never consumed any antidepressant or other psychopharmaceutical, but I get what you are describing like a lot, especially lately but since practically forever, at least since I was 12.
I practically often feel like the 2 taxi drivers in the Hudsucker Proxy (as I identify 2 internal voices) describing, in a detached way, whatever I do, including me typing on the keyboard right now (with one of them making fun of the fact that I still haven't got the confidence to never look at the keys while typing).
Are we talking here about something that would hinder me functioning socially and professionally or does what I described count towards something I should take care of?
Yeah, that would be something to see a professional about, I think.
That... explains a lot about a few months of my life
That shit is trippy as fuck to me, and not in a good way. More of a Twilight Zone sorta way.
I took Bupropion exactly once, and that day happened to coincide with the day of a first date. There was not a second date. I'd say something to her, but it wasn't me, it was the "me" who was standing about three feet in front of me. I swear to Cotton Eyed Joe I could see the back of my own fucking head.