really ballin
really ballin
really ballin
While you were pondering the orb, I was studying the hoop.
Ponder this hook shot.
Upon the third consecutive successful lobbing of the orb through the ring, making contact with only the net hanging below, lo did it burn away in an instant from the wizard's might, and the ball began to glow with intense heat. The wizard then could be heard uttering an incantation to leave no doubt in the mind's of onlookers that their magical prowess was beyond reproach.
BOOM-SHAKA-LAKA, it echoed through the halls of amusement, the wizard now seemed unstoppable...
Get me on the court and I'm trouble,
Messed around the other day and got a wizard double.
These are not the orbs you are looking for.
I put on my robe and wizard hat
If Kyle Kulinski ever said this, he’d be castrated.