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  • "It's one of those countries in that part of the world that everything sounds more or less the same, but with only slight differences so that I am never really sure which one is which, but they're all pretty fuckin' chill. Also vikings are from around there, but not necessarily this one specifically."

    This same thought crosses my mind if you were to ask about Denmark, or Sweden, or Switzerland. They're all homogenized in my head.

  • It's really far away and kind of expensive for tourists so I'll likely never go. Sounds like a great country though. Maybe if I wind up with a Finnish lass in Australia we can visit her family. I like the sound of their natural social distancing, but as an Aussie, we're a big country with few people so our personal space is pretty good too.

  • As an ignorant American I'm saddened to say, very little. One thing that comes to mind is Simo Häyhä.

    I cant forget Linus Torvalds. The third most influential person in my life behind Thompson and Ritchie. Without these three I would never have found one of my greatest joys, coding.

    I think of the pictures of snowy landscapes crowned with ethereal lights dancing in the night.

    Stories from my dad about a Finish violin maker who used to hitchhike everywhere dad used to give frequent rides to.

  • Finland is always number 1 in statistical charts, (happiness, least corruption…you name it) beating the Netherlands again and again.