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  • A) He's doing this stuff to make the libs jump (or more accurately do something that MAGAs believe will make Libs jump.)


    B) When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

    Also, Behind The Bastards has done a deep dive on the life of Musk. Find it. Listen to it.

    Then check your local officials and see if they're die-hard ownership class, or can at least sympathize with the proles.

    It's time to activate. Don't make Molitovs yet, instead find out where to march or stand. But do look at where your molotov-making supplies are.

  • Oh of course, if you fire all your public workers, you can't have a genocide because there's nobody to carry out your orders.

    Silly fucking me.

    I'm assuming we can look forward to all those cops and ICE agents being fired then.

  • Mussolini didn't string himself up from the service station, the enraged masses did.

    • Technically correct while pissing a bunch of people off is exactly what he wants. He can (correctly) say that he was only speaking facts but it also "triggers the libs".

      So once again he's dangling bait and everyone is taking it hook, line and sinker thus giving him exactly what he wants.

      I swear if everyone just stopped paying attention to him he would shrivel up and die. These egotistical maniacs feed off of any attention and the people who hate him the most give him the most attention.