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The Viral ‘Debate’ Video That Proves Most MAGA Voters Are a Lost Cause

  • My hat's off to Sam Seder for going through this, and to Michael Ian Black for watching the first 2/3rds of it before turning it off in disgust. I couldn't even make it all the way through a clip of that dipshit proclaiming confidently that government organizations obviously do pay taxes and get a tax discount because of DEI, duh.

    I have realized over the past couple of years that I am a fundamentally angry person. But in reflecting on it, I wasn't always this way. The last 18 years or so of right-wing influencers, the Tea party, and MAGA have bit by bit eroded me to the point that I am now just bitter and angry all the time at what these fucking troglodytes have managed to do to this country, and to a larger extent, this world.

    I mean, the me from 18 years ago would never have guessed that the people in the UK would be so stupid as to leave the EU and elect a fucking clown to see it happen. I wouldn't have guessed that the Brazilians would elect a guy who ran on the platform of cutting and burning down the Amazon and converting the land into cattle ranches. I wouldn't have guessed that pretty much every EU country would shift dramatically to more right-wing policies, and that the vast majority of those policies would be really fucking stupid and short-sighted.

    I'm not a conspiracy theory-minded person, but I have to imagine that if aliens visited Earth and sprinkled some alien virus into the air or water that had the effect of making everybody it infected profoundly stupid, the results would look very similar to what we see today.

  • MAGA voters? Sure.

    Be careful thinking that these idiots represent the entire right. They don't.

    While a good chunk of them are definitely this special kind of stupid they do have intelligent people in that side.

    It's unwise to underestimate the intelligence of an opponent.

  • It's a mental disease

    The ones with the disease are not the Trump MAGA morons.

    It's everyone else who just stands by and allow them to take the stage, run their country and affect their lives.

    It's one thing to say someone is an idiot ... it's a whole other level of stupid when you allow those idiots to control and affect your life.