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Anyone interested in starting a cooperative business helping πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί European companies and organizations migrate away from ⛓️‍πŸ’₯ cloud platforms from USA? Tad Lispy (

Would you be interested in starting a cooperative business helping πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί European companies and organizations migrate away from ⛓️‍πŸ’₯ cloud platforms from USA? Let's talk πŸ’¬ If you think someone in your network might, please boost πŸ™ #Europe #EU #Cooperative #DigitalSovereignty

Boosting my own toot 🀞

  • I'm super happy with all your responses. Across different fedi channels I got 25 positive answers and even more expressions of support. That's more than I expected ❀️‍πŸ”₯ In a separate post I wrote a roadmap and will appreciate your constructive feedback. There's also a logo I quickly doodled and I plan to use as a visual identifications for our project until someone with real talent provides something better.

  • @tadlispy Exciting! Is moving out of the cloud in scope as well?

    • Thanks, but would you elaborate please? I'm not sure how to interpret your question. If by "moving out of the cloud" you mean migrating to on-premises or self hosted solutions, then sure, I don't see why not.

      • @tadlispy Indeed I'm thinking of moving things from the cloud to (self) hosted solutions, or maybe just data migration in general, not just from US clouds, but anything hosted on US servers - if that distinction makes any sense...

  • I'd love to help but don't think my expertise is there, I specialise in Quality Assurance in software development.

    Great initiative, best of luck!

    • I don't know. To start a co-op business we will certainly need diverse skills. At this stage we are just talking, so please stay in the loop if you want to.

  • Could you develop your proposal?

    • At the moment it's just an idea and a call for like-minded people to gather. We are hopefully going to develop it together.

      • It's not just an idea, it is a huge idea. In order to provide service you need at least a CPD placed in each continent and a medium sized SRE team. And that's the beginning.

        As a goal it is interesting but it needs a lot of resources.

  • It's a great idea. I work in an IT company and I think it's a shame that we only use American products. I'm afraid I don't have any skills to contribute to the project, but I'm interested in following the discussions!

    • Thanks! Of course you are welcome to just follow, but please remember that we will need all kinds of talent. You might be able to bring something we need to the table.

  • Yes! As long as you can migrate me along with the software.

    • From the land of the brave and the home of the free? Sorry, I wish I could. Stay strong!