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We got a bunch of new people in. How is everybody doing?

  • Doing pretty well! At this point it's been over a year since I came over in the third-party app exodus and it's been great. Haven't really looked back all that much.

    I'm glad to have picked this instance for my main account since it's local to me, isn't heavy handed with defederation (I like to watch the crazies from a safe distance) and performance has generally been good.

    Outside of Lemmy things are pretty chill, no major complaints and my birthday is on Saturday, so it should be a good weekend :)

  • As good as can be expected after getting perma-banned on reddit for violating rules with multiple accounts just hours before my 7-day temp ban for 'encouraging violence' was lifted on appeal, despite only ever having had 1 account in my entire 14 years of using reddit.