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What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? March 11

Finished Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson. Book 2 of second era of Mistborn.

It was interesting where the story is going. Character development and the world building is interesting. Not a big fan of how the book ended, but I guess this is how it had to be. Looking forward to the next book.

Finished Gangsta Granny by David Williams.

My kid got it from school library, and wanted me to read it too. It's mainly about how kids find old people boring and old people weren't always old, they lived a life before reaching this age. A fun middle-grade novel. Highly recommended (for kids).

Also read it's sequel Gangsta Granny Strikes Again

The first half felt a bit childish to me (that's not a negative, it is a children's book), but enjoyed the latter half, but mentioning any of that will be a spoiler for the first book. If you read the first book and like it, I would also highly recommend the sequel.

Reading Amulet series by Kazu Kibushi. It's a graphic novel series for middle-grade, and was highly recommended by Brandon Sanderson.

There are 9 books in total, I have been getting them one at a time but was waiting to collect all the books before starting it. So, finally got the whole set and started reading it. Have finished the first 5, and am currently reading the 6th one.

Highly recommended for fantasy fans, both young and old.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining only 5 4 3 months to go!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

  • My Darling Dreadful Thing by Johanna van Veen. Queer gothic horror, and rather interesting read so far.

  • If you count comic books, I am re-reading the entire ElfQuest saga so I can finally read the Final Quest books.

  • Just finished Half Share, First Break All the Rules, and How to Deliver a Great TED Talk

    Started Law School for Everyone: Constitutional Law and will start Talk like TED tomorrow.

  • I’m currently reading The Art Thief by Michael Finkel.

    I really like the book and I’m amazed how Breitwieser accomplished everything and the way he thinks makes me curious as well.

    Can’t write much because don’t want to spoil the story and the people (non-fiction).

  • I'm a few chapters into the Graphic Audio version of Words of Radiance by Sanderson, it's pretty cool so far. There are a few voices that don't fit the versions of characters in my head though, especially Jasnah. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

    I've also started Daughter of the Dragon by Michael G Manning which came out last year and somehow completely flew under my radar. It's book 2 of Wrath of the Stormking, which is a sequel series to Art of the Adept, which I really liked. It's much better than his Mageborn series & related continuations IMO, but those grew on me a lot over time.

    Finally, I've switched from Goodreads (which I haven't really used in the past 2 years anyway) to The StoryGraph. Not much to say about that yet, it seems to be fine.