late for work rule
late for work rule
late for work rule
I swear sometimes it feels like it waits for the right time.
You need to slowly shuffle that man with a knife onto company time.
🎶 Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime... 🎶
When you gotta, you gotta. We're all just slaves of our digestion.
In more ways than one. There is credible evidence that your gut bacteria play a non-trivial role in your personality, and especially on what food you want to eat on a given day. You like food that your gut biome likes.
in soviet blahaj zone, poop knifes you
As someone who suffers from anxiety, the poops give me more anxiety and lack of access to bathrooms gives me anxiety which causes me to poop even more. It's a never ending cycle.
"But what about the pain and risk of constipation by holding the poop in?"
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."