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Mars Attracts (in development), a theme park management game set on Mars (with humans as attractions), started an initiative where people can submit their best impression of the “Ack Ack” sound.

  • Sounds like a cool P.R. move. Getting your own voice involved in the background of something you are excited for, kind of like getting to be an extra in a remake of your favorite film or something. Wonder if this'll turn out well or if there will be lawsuits. I know that some creatives have to actively ignore fans submitting cool ideas in case of a "I had this great idea, which you used, pay me" lawsuit, and I do not know the nitty gritty of what fan submissions can be solicited and used without risk of one suing you, and which are lawsuit bait for someone particularly opportunistic.

    For the curious, here is the game's Steam page.

    Never heard of Mars Attacks™ but from the Steam page I get the sense of alien abductions being involved, probably B-movie stuff. (Did a quick skim of Wikipedia and its TVTropes page to check if I guessed right, it's black comedy and satire.) I am particularly intrigued by premises where you play as something nonhuman despite being 100% human, non-furry, etc. Even if the aliens are kind of human-but-altered, a perspective flip like this is a good way to get me to look at things.

    • The movie is OK, it's by no means bad, but I personally think it's a little bit overrated as a cult classic (just a bit).

      The concept with a theme park on Mars with humans as attractions is very neat (and I play my city-builders and business sims in an utopian style).