Look at these books I got!
Look at these books I got!
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I have more, of course, but these are the most recent additions.
Look at these books I got!
Here are the rest. Feel free to rate them:
I have more, of course, but these are the most recent additions.
Maybe mark NSFW?
You’re so right, I completely forgot about that!
No worries, cool books btw.
Wtf is going on on the cover of the gay Soviet book 😳🤨
I’m assuming you mean the left one lol it’s a bath house! Bath houses were very popular gay cruising spots in Russia since like medieval times. They honestly probably still are.
How is this NSFW
The naked men on the left book from the first photo. The book next to rainbow Stalin.
Canada in the world is fantastic! Just read it a couple months ago. Let me know what you think of it!
That one and the other Canada books are going to be used for my paper so I am excited to get into them. I actually follow Tyler Shipley on twitter and he’s great!
"Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union." - Iosif Stalin