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FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights

A new community where people can just vent about or actually do coordinate action against the pest of ultra bright LEDs.

  • The most annoying thing about bright LED headlights is that LEDs don't have to be bright. Yet because so many are, people view LED headlights as the problem. You can get varying brightness LED bulbs for your home, why not your car?

  • You know how solar eclipse glasses allow you to see the sun surface without any glare by essentially reducing the light by like 50,000 times?

    You can also point the glasses at a regular light to see the bulb.

    I need the same thing that let's me check really quick if some scrub has their high beams on so I can reflect their blinding light of death back at them because I'm too nice to do the same against morons who threw nuclear bombs into their regular low beam enclosure.

    Although I am also very close to buying a rally high beam light array to do the light equivalent of telling people to shut up.