Bernie Sanders Got Community Noted So Hard
Bernie Sanders Got Community Noted So Hard
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Bernie Sanders Got Community Noted So Hard
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When the furthest left you get in America is this revisionist fucking toad engaging in holocaust denial you know you've fucked up.
He is a modern social democrat lol, not a full blown Marxist. How do you think he made it in American politics if he was completely against Nato, he supported the Serbia bombings etc and many ofher things (thats just one thing i remember rn)
Holocaust denial?
Saying America has been defending democracy for 250 years is holocaust denial, yes; ignoring the part they played in genociding the native americans, the adventurism that killed 10+ million people between 1945-current day.
In no part of history has America ever defended democracy.
When has the US EVER been a democracy?
At it's conception through the 19th century, they were exterminating my people, and black people were seen as more useful subhumans, so they were kept alive. Women of course were just there to make babies.
Near the end of the 19th century, black men fought hard, and gained the right to vote for the oppressor of their choice. They were still killed if they dared to do so though.
White women gained the right to choose their oppressor in the early 20th century. In the words of Susan B Anthony:
“I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman.”
Today, things haven't changed much. We have the right to vote now, so long as the police haven't trumped up an excuse to arrest us. Murdering our women is still rampant. The last election saw the choice between Donald Trump (need I say more?), and a rich black oligarch who campaigned heavily on genocide. Americans like to forget the genocide was the basis for "their country". We want our land back. We want an end to your "democracy". It's nothing but genocide wrapped in lies.
one who is actually trying to help people
What has Bernie Sanders accomplished though? I give his campaigns as a whole and the volunteers and activists in its orbit some credit for helping educate people and get them more active in politics as a whole. But the man himself caved pretty easily and backed Biden. His campaign messaging was in part on how he opposed the Iraq war, but when it came time for a critical stance on israel and Palestine, he denied genocide. Now he's going on about democracy and Putin. Showing in multiple ways that he is not even anti-imperialist on a basic level and the Iraq war thing was, I guess, him being unthinkingly anti-war? It stings more in a way than with some politicians because he had all this campaign messaging on the idea that he was an actually honest politician, but by this point, I'm not even sure what he believes in. He seems to be at best someone who wants working class reforms within the US, but doesn't care about throwing the rest of the world under the bus in furthering US imperialism in order to do it. Whether it's all true belief or tactics, I don't know and I'm not sure how much it matters, because the end result is that he furthers imperialist messaging and it can be damaging in a way that it wouldn't be for other US politicians because he has the attention of a certain degree of reformist-minded people who aren't necessarily as willing to listen to other politicians. So he can reaffirm imperialism even to people who might be more apt to be ready to move away from it, which frankly sucks.
In that context, I think it's important to call him out on it. It's important people understand that he is not "the left" and that they can do a lot better than caring what he has to say. If he were bringing about significant reforms, that would be another matter. There'd be real action to pay attention to and consider, and a consideration that something like critical support may make more sense. But all he has is tweaks around the edges and he's one member of congress out of hundreds. I just don't see a practical purpose at this point in holding back on criticizing Bernie Sanders.
The word ‘holocaust’ typically refers to Nazi mass murder programs in WWII. Sanders is absolutely not a denier of that. The more general word you want here is ‘genocide’.
But on that, Sanders has been a VERY outspoken critic of the Isreali government’s genocide in Gaza and the absurd financial support the US provides for it.
He did however support the Afghanistan war and didnt vote against it and voted for interventions into Bosnia, which the US went on to use depleted uranium shells and kill a bunch of civillians with. The mans personally voted for 2 interventions that killed millions of innocent people and what, we're supposed to become bernie bros because he happened to this time vote for the right side?
No thanks.
If you want a slimy and corrupt US politician to rage about, there’s no shortage to pick from, so it’s honestly weird that you’re throwing a fit over the one who is actually trying to help people.
Hes as shit as the rest of them.
But on that, Sanders has been a VERY outspoken critic of the Isreali government's genocide in Gaza and the absurd financial support the US provides for it.
He might criticize the financial support because he thinks "Israel" has "gone too far" but he still supports "Israel's right to defend itself". Which is the fundamental issue that created this genocidal dynamic in the first place.
If you want a slimy and corrupt US politician to rage about, there's no shortage to pick from, so it's honestly weird that you're throwing a fit over the one who is actually trying to help people.
That is very debatable, but it will suffice to say that he sucks just like the rest of them & it's fine & good to criticize him. I will never understand people who go out of their way to defend politicians lol. Grow up
Deepthroat that boot, colonizer
''The United States supports democracy''
Yes, and Jane Goodall has been lying about the existence of Chimpanzees this whole time.
The states has supported only their own democracy history wise, and has overthrown almost every government that posed as a risk for them, directly and indirectly. The only news here is that now is overthrowing their own democracy lol
I think the whole egocentric capitalist philosophy and the use of game theory under the assumption that everyone is just selfish is the root cause of this. The capitalist liberal democratic system is a victim of itself, it devours itself.
Democrary abroad and disenfranchisement at home does not work.