Panzergeneral Freuding approves unlimited German military budget
Panzergeneral Freuding approves unlimited German military budget
Panzergeneral Freuding approves unlimited German military budget
Never thought I would see Germany resurrecting its military industries, and even welcoming it with open arms
All that it took was war in Europe and ally you cannot depend on as well as the current order being overthrown - wait a minute that reminds of something, not sure what though
Germany will not fail in taking Stalingrad this time.
I'll go avenge my great grandpa
Remilitarize the Rhineland!
HOI4 intensifies
They arent in power yet and who knows if they will actually do it. It is the CDU/CSU we are talking about
Russia couldn't even beat Poland these days.
Taps chart excitedly.
This took 60 years too long, but good stuff, Germany!