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Ex-Amazon VP explains why rich a-holes with helicopters and personal assistants don't get why you hate your commute

Just to be clear: My main point of sharing this article is about how detached the life of rich people is.

I do not at all agree that most of them are “Not evil, just disconnected”, I am pretty sure (and know some of the privileged), who are actively evil, know exactly what they are doing and just don't give a shit.

Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!

Ex-Amazon VP explains why rich a-holes with helicopters and personal assistants don't get why you hate your commute

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  • Ah yes, we need this explanation, the jet trackers, and billions in profits while nothing improves for us, are totally not obvious markers.

  • Theyare acutely aware, though. They love to have beaten the hustle. The only sure way they know to remain on top is to scuttle the chances of others climbing the same ladder.

    They know the frauds that they are. They fear being ousted from their cosy spot.