Migration of pict-rs server
Migration of pict-rs server
We're currently in the process of migrating our pict-rs service (the thing responsible for storing media/images/uploads etc) to the new infrastructure.
This involves an additional step of moving our existing file-based storage to object storage, so this process will take a little time.
New images/uploads may not work properly during this migration, however existing images should continue to load. We expect this migration to take about an hour.
Migration has completed.
685,271 files / 153.38 GB were migrated. Copying to object storage took about 1.5 hours. Starting service back up on new server and debugging took another 30 minutes.
- Migration started at 2023-10-01 22:43 UTC.
- [+1h32m] Objects finished uploading to object storage at 2023-10-02T00:15 UTC.
- [+2h06m] Migration was completed at 2023-10-02 00:46 UTC.