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General Discussion Thread - Juche 114, Week 10 - International Women's Day (Week) Edition

Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.

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  • I hate how every time women's sport is brought up someone will immediately use it to say that trans women should be excluded. Even about fucking disc golf.

    • I unfortunately haven’t the source for this, but I remember reading somewhere that somebody forced a transgender man to compete exclusively with women wrestlers, and he won against every single one of them.

  • Went to see the Bab Dylun movie with Timothée Camembert and was surprised Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie were in it. Maybe some good thing for the youth to see.

  • Trudeau dropped another nice effect of the Trump tariffs. When applied to economies that produce stuff in Canada or Europe, some companies may fail and be bought by US corpos. I don't know if that would nullify the tariffs for them, but the US will them be able to turn around and proclaim "more jobs for US companies" despite those still operating abroad. Besides that, it's monopoly capital doing it's favourite thing.

  • lol is there a way to change the way your phone number is displayed? For example if my number was 666666666 and i call someone and my number displayed was 777777777?

    Im asking because i just got a scam attempt with a phone number that was exactly the banks number, they even mentioned to verify the number (to give them legitimity) but i knew it was a scam when they tried to make me do a retirement without card lol. I even called the same number and got the bank support.

    • Yeah you can spoof your caller ID to be any phone number at all. Scammers usually give themselves your local area code, but I've never seen one bold enough to pose as a bank. That's definitely illegal if they're ever caught (they won't be).

    • I don't have an active phone-number so I dunno.

  • Playing more Dynasty Warriors Origins.

    Who is your favorite faction? Mine is Cao Cao's.