Let's not take things to far okay
Let's not take things to far okay
Let's not take things to far okay
Does he have big gold coasters in the Oval Office that say Trump on the sides?
Upon closer inspection, ugh…yes he does.
Trump is a Traitor
Jesus, American Democrats really have just become Bush era Republicans.
traitor to whom lol, trump is pursuing the US interests as they have always done. ukraine being dumped after it stops being useful is consistent with US foreign policy.
he isn't. he's doing exactly what he was elected for.
He's still a traitor.
Brainwashers and brainwashees. Brainwashers are traitors.
Wow, his hands really are small...
Jesus Christ flipped the tables of the rich, so can you
I was wondering how well the history would have changed if that guy who shot trump's ear did it correctly
Honest take? A lot in the short term, but probably quite little beyond that. Maybe Harris won and a Nazi would win after that, or Vance would win on a similarly radical platform. But this won't pass until we identify a replacement. But there's no simply avoiding what we're going through.
I think it eill be hard to find someone like trump who does stupid things very urgently. Most others does it slow and steady
nothing fundamentally changes, ukraine is meant to be dumped at some point.
Nobody shot trump
I would honestly love to see something like Paul's letters, but addressed to the modern American church. Paul didn't mess around when the churches were acting up.
I’d argue modern letters to the Christians are everywhere, but it doesn’t matter. Even if Paul were currently alive and nearing 2000 years old people would find a reason to ignore him because what they believe in is definitively not Christianity.
Paul also pulled out of his ass all the insane bullshit that modern evangelical Christianity is based around. "Yeah, uh, God hates gays, and women, and also loves the Roman Empire that killed Jesus."
Purpose of the system is what it does. What we see is real christianity.
Me template want. Make meme, me. Plz.
President Donald Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Vice President JD Vance reacts at the White House in Washington, D.C., Feb. 28, 2025. (Trump/Vance hands up/palms out meme)
Brian Snyder/Reuters
Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock 🌟
take things to far
The far in Cameroon? It's in the Extreme, after all.