For the glory of the Empire!
For the glory of the Empire!
Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!
For the glory of the Empire!
Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!
I planted tomato seeds for the glory of the Empire!
Food for the warriors, conservation for the crops! Glory to your house!
What variety, for the glory of the Empire?
I fed my son and rocked him to sleep, for the glory of the Empire and the House of Fry!
A strong house is the foundation is of the ever lasting glory of the Empire! Glory to you and the warrior to be you nurture! Honour be upon the House of Fry!
I rubbed my dog's belly, for the glory of the empire.
The wise warrior takes good care of their companion beasts. Much honour is to be found in such small gestures. Glory to your name!
I both mourned the death and celebrated the life of someone who recently passed, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I drank a mocha, for the warriors of the empire who's songs will forever be sung
I watched the pirates of the carribean For The glory of the Empire!
A fine entertainment! Qapla'
I replaced a valve cover gasket for the glory of the Empire!
Maintaning machinery for battle readiness! A noble deed!
I marinated the porkchops, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
A feast in preparation! The warriors will fight with renewed vigour to enjoy it! Glory to your name!
I commented on a Star Trek meme post despite having seen nothing but the Chris Pine movies for the glory of the empire!
Support for the cause is support for the cause, nonetheless!
I looked at different Gridfinity options FOR THE GLORY OF THE DRAWER EMPIRE!
Are those 3D printable storage boxes?
Dislocated my thumb; for the glory of the Empire!
Also had to put our dog to sleep; for the glory of the Empire‽ His death was an honorable one and we will meet again for battle in Sto-vo-kor!
Also, ate cake for my birthday... FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
It's been a long week y'all lol
We shall mourn the loss of a warriors companion and forever sing songs on their name. May their name never be forgotten! Glory to their name and house!
And in their honour we shall celebrate another cycle completed by you, great warrior, and wish for your quick recovery from such injury.
For the glory of the Empire! Praise be upon you and your house!
I just made pasta, a nice al fresco, with penne noodles and garlic cream sauce. Throw in some mushrooms and cherry tomatoes and it pairs nicely with a bottom shelf tequila mixed with redbull in an 2 to 1 ratio, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE! hits chest audibly
Glory be upon your name! The warrior feasts to celebrate another day well lived!
You trail the path of the omen seers?
Just lit a blunt for the glory of the empire
The enemies of the Empire will tremble in front of the warrior that nothing fears beyond an empty fridge.
It is a good day to .. starve a bit
I put leftover stew in the freezer FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Storing the provisions that will feed the mighty warrior for a day to come! Foresight is a trait worthy of a tried and true warrior. Glory be upon you and your house!
I took a shit
Empty bowels are strong bowels.
I watched an episode of Star Trek: Voyager... FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
You instruct yourself in the tomes of knowledge of the mighty Empire! A worthy acomplishment! Only by studying our great lore may the warrior make advances in building higher the glory of the Empire! Honor be upon you!
I have let loose the logs of war For the glory of the Empire!
May the pipes lead straight unto the lands if your enemies, for the glory of the empire!
A secure house is a strong house! Qapla'
Replied to a post on Lemmy for the glory of the empire!!!!!
You vanquish the all oppressing shadows of lurking and replace it with courageous participation in the sharing of tales of conquest FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The Empire marches at your call! Glory to your name!
Glory to you and your house! The Empire grows stronger through your feat! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
you got married then directly after you got on Lemmy?! that's dedication
ps cong rats!
You have joined two honorable houses together, qapla!
Congratulations!! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
I've just taken my Statins medication FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The Empire rides on the health of its warriors. By taking care of your health, you demonstrate great sense of sacrifice for the cause of the Empire!
Weeeeeeeell... I'm not lying on this now: Taking a shit for the glory of the empire!
Empty bowels are strong bowels! Glory to you!
You should indeed not be lying on your shit. You would look like 2 weeks old Rokeg!
I held our cat while my wife trimmed its nails FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
Glory to your name! You stood strong to make tame the most dangerous of beasts that share the warriors house and helped tending for its well being!
Damn, dude. We were just looking for minor tales of valor and not harrowing survival accounts. I assume you're okay, because you're at least able to type. Imagine clipping the nails of one of the deadliest predators of all time as a domestic routine because it lives in your home. I have no words, except, GLORY TO YOU AND YOUR HOUSE!
As a fellow cat-holder while your spouse trims their claws, Glory to you and your House!
I salute your bravery and the blood you spilled, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I beat my meat for the glory of the empire
Even self indulgence is to be respected, of not excessive. The Empire grants you glory.
I pet my cats for the glory of the empire!
Ah, keeping the beasts tame and content. Much honor is to be found in such gesture. Glory to your name!
I exported the Bill of Materials spreadsheets to PDF and emailed them to the contract suppler, for the Glory of the Empire!
The logistics of an army is hard to tend. Your contribution is noted, for the glory of the Empire!Glory to your name!
May your PDF bring honor to your house!
I took my antidepressants FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
A strong body requires a strong mind. And an ailling warrior is a warrior that has fought valliantly until all force was depleted. Care for yourself, brave one! Glory to you!
I got eight and a half hours of sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The rested warrior is to be feared, as the mind is made sharp and the body fresh and ready for another battle! Glory to you and your house!
I scratched my balls, for the glory of the empire!
Itch free, distraction free!
I ate blueberries for the glory of thre empire.
The wise warrior eats well to nurture their body for the rigours of battle! Glory to your name!
took a piss while finishing my beer FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Mustitasking! A feat to be respected! Glory to you and your house.
I confirmed an X-Ray tech was on the way to the Newborn ICU, for the glory of the empire!
Caring for the next generation of warriors is caring for the glory of the Empire! Glory to you and your house!
Glory to the newborn bones! A warrior's bones must be strong, yet flexible!
You communicated the necessary with valor. Glory to you and your house!
I brushed my teeth AFOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The honourable warrior shows self-discipline in their self care. Glory to your name!
I took my medicine, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The wounded warrior is the warrior that fought valiantly. There is no shame in caring for ones health. More battles will come! For the glory of the Empire! Glory to you and your house!
You bring honor to your house for promoting self care for one's health and wellness. Qapla'!
The empire rests on the health of it's warriors. Glory to your house!
I read through seeming endless logs from a battle simulation and used these log to improve the accuracy of the simulation. It may seem like tedious work not fitting of a Klingon warrior, but now our brothers and sisters will be more prepared with a fair simulation as they train FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Through great personal sacrifice, you pave the way for greater warriors to be created and become victorious FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Honors and praised are to be awarded to you!
An empty bladder is one less concern for the warrior in battle! Glory awaits you!
Been scrolling on Lemmy, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Me too! Doomscrolling for THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I played Animal Crossing, for the glory of the empire!
Keeping spirits high is important to ready ourselves for battle. Glory to you and your house!
Even the mightiest of warriors needs to find respite for the mind. Glory to you!
I've not played it, but may you finally slay that cursed rent seeking small masked bear, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
Took my nighttime anxiety meds... for the glory of the empire!
A warrior uses every tool at their disposal to vanquish their foes!
Self care is an honorable and righteous pursuit. It makes you a more effective foe in battle.
A well rested warrior is a warrior to be feared. And the warrior that seeks the help to overcome their shortcomings is double worthy their praise. Glory to your name!
I washed my fancy insulated water bottle FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
You cared for your battle kit and the warrior that tends to their equipment is a wise warrior! Glory to your name and house!
I ate a cup of yogurt FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The smallest of morcels fuels the greatest of warriors! Glory to your name!
Got off the couch and actually voyaged through the house to my bed for once, where I shall sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
Rest well, brave warrior, for the glory of the Empire!
I battled a hairy canine attacking him with water conditioner and forged steel combs for the glory of the empire!
A battle worthy of legends! Glory to you and your house!
The hardest of battles require entertainment to replenish the forces of the warrior. Glory to your name!
Scratched my boyfriend's back for the glory of the Empire!
I actually read a lot of these to him last week. "Strong hair, strong heir" was freaking inspired.
You show care for your mate in the smallest of gestures! A good omen for the future your house! Glory to you!
I opened an image preview on Lemmy FOR GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
i caught the bus for the glory of the empire
Public transportation makes the core of the Empire's strength, for an Empire uncapable of moving its warriors swiflty is a weak one! Glory to you name!
I started jalapeno seeds FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Preparing the means to run the blood of the Empire hordes hot, for the glory of the Empire! Honor to your name!
I DD'd for my girlfriend and her friend FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
I looked up DD on Urban Dictionary, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
And I'm still processing how that's the most (and only) wholesome article I've encountered on Urban Dictionary, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
A scholar in the making! Glory to your name!
Keeping watch for your companions! Glory to you and your house!