How alt-tech users evaluate search engines: Cause-advancing audits.
How alt-tech users evaluate search engines: Cause-advancing audits.

Search engine audit studies—where researchers query a set of terms in one or more search engines and analyze the results—have long been instrumental in assessing the relative reliability of search engines. However, on alt-tech platforms, users often conduct a different form of search engine audit. T...

This is very interesting:
After pulling 250,000 mentions of 30 different search engines from 4chan’s “Politically Incorrect” /pol/ board, we identified 1,218 comments that both mentioned at least three search engines and recommended one or more search engines. Comments meeting these criteria appeared an average of 15 times per month between January 2018 and July 2024. Figure 1 displays the monthly mentions of each search engine in the 1,218 /pol/ comments in this same time period. We have noted that spikes in comparisons occurred at the onset of the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 and during the vaccine rollout in the spring of 2021. Much of the 2020 spike was driven by a thread titled “The Great Jewtube Exodus,” which was reposted 45 times between March 7 and March 23, 2020.7 In each reposting, the author encouraged others to use Yandex, Bing, Startpage, or Brave Search instead of Google. These threads repeatedly resulted in conversations about search engine quality in the comments.