Sick of sick notes: Doctors say scrapping paperwork would save time better spent on patients
Sick of sick notes: Doctors say scrapping paperwork would save time better spent on patients
Sick of sick notes: Doctors say scrapping paperwork would save time better spent on patients
At this point we should be trying to offload as much stuff from healthcare providers as possible. Sick notes for private companies seems like an easy thing to stop.
Imagine being an adult and having to get a note from a doctor for your slave owner becuase he needs to ensure that you are in fact "hurt"
Adult peoppe accept this conditions with out questioning 🤡
Seeing a doctor for a sick note for a cold or flu is definitively not a great use of patient care. However if a patient has a medical appointment, why is it so hard to get a note on any scrap paper for an employer that says "patient should rest for x days then will be reassessed" due to surgery or "patient has x or y limitations / restrictions". No confidential information on it.
Feels like getting notes to support substantiated accommodations is difficult and a long process. Most doctors don't just write a simple note on a paper like a prescription for employers. That would be useful.