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Question: Is "Cure diabetes with sugar & rice" credible?

From this panel discussion

A Dr. John McDougall posits that T2D is caused by fat clogging insulin receptors, and that white sugar and rice can reverse T2D.

A Dr. Michael Klaper Says that if your eating a whole food plant based diet nothing will shoot your blood sugar up

Dr. John McDougall references this paper where sugar is increased in t2d to give greater glycemic control "Sugar makes insulin better and cures diabetes" !?!??!?!?!?!?

I can't find the full paper just the abstract.

Question: How on earth does any of this work and is this speaker credible?

As far as I understand it T2D is a syndrome of insulin resistance which has caused very poor glycemic control, so the patient is effectively carbohydrate intolerant.

This speaker suggests that increasing sugar intake when carbohydrate intolerant improves glycemic control, and reverses T2D... what? What?

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.