Shots fired into insurance CEO’s Oregon home
Shots fired into insurance CEO’s Oregon home
Nobody was injured in the shooting; a witness saw a person in black running from the scene.
Shots fired into insurance CEO’s Oregon home
Nobody was injured in the shooting; a witness saw a person in black running from the scene.
We commit no crimes when we save our country.
If you're bored. I'm drunk and will tell you stuff!
The city of Lake Oswego, where this CEO lives in Oregon, gets it's name from... A big lake. Called Lake Oswego.
Now, Oregon has some fun and cool laws that are fun and cool, like every "navigable waterway" in Oregon, since statehood, must have public access. So for example all of the coastline in Oregon is open to the public, even though it's windy, cold, and miserable 70% of the year. But in the summer, there's tons of space to find quiet, beautiful peace.
Lake Oswego, however, is in CONSTANT BATTLE with the state because the city is always trying to find loopholes to privatize the lake to the super wealthy people who live on the lake. Their lawyers, no joke, argues that "the public can see the lake. That's access". They even have a fucking stone plaque that says "private lake, stay on the sidewalk" at the adjacent park.
It's still in court. Right now, people can swim only in one of the parks. So it counts as access. But the people pursuing the most recent lawsuit are kayakers I think. So ongoing?
Anyhow, Lake Oswego is pretty much the richville of Portland, Oregon suburbs and wants to kick out the plebs. Their Target is fancy.
For locals, there's a bad ass bar there I know the owners that's fucking great with the best music in the state! Private message for that info. But fuck that city either way. The owners don't live there.
Lake Oswego also used to be one of those, ahem, "exclusive" towns. Which naturally gave rise to the local nickname "Lake No Negro".
Thank you drunk person. Very informative.
Their lawyers, no joke, argues that "the public can see the lake. That's access". They even have a fucking stone plaque that says "private lake, stay on the sidewalk" at the adjacent park.
Hypothetically, if someone were writing a fictional story about a Luigi type of hero in that situation, what would be the quickest and fastest way to destroy that stone plaque?
I used to like going to the lake theater on weekdays I had off. Usually pretty empty, can get a nice burger and a beer and see a movie.
I stopped going because I'd almost get run over by rich, blonde women, driving large luxury SUVs while texting their real housewives of lake Oswego chat every single time. Haven't been down that way in a decade and don't miss it.
Their punishment is to spend every winter in SUNY Oswegos freshman dorms. Let the lake take them.
yes! I used to live there. it's bonkers.
Basically all the lakefront property is not owned by people directly, but leased under highly permissive terms from a single entity (ominously named "The Lake Corporation") so they can apply restrictions about land use to owners to prohibit public access, and act collectively to try and prevent public access attempts. It's basically a Union for rich people to use to collectively bargain to keep poors away from them. totally wild.
They exert undue influence over the city's politics which is usually evident by their inherent inequity and hostility to non-members in the city.. but the county they're in (Clackamas) tends to fight them a lot. The city's officials are usually in tight with the Lake Corp (or ARE Lake Corp) so it's basically a corporation vs the county/state trying to keep poor people away.
The city's dedicated police force, unsurprisingly, are very keen on the Lake Corp... so even if you (legally) access the lake, they will send a boat out to hassle you until they find a reason to move you along - usually with the lie "you had to trespass to get here. you can leave and we'll drop it, or you can make this hard"
Be kinda fun to hire a chopper service to bring a bunch of boats in. No trespassing involved getting in, but to leave would require trespassing. Play it like you're being detained/forced to trespass to leave.
Wow !! thanks for the story
This is truly my favorite gif this year
Luisus? Jesigi?
He killed (well no it wasn't him) for our sins
That's awesome. I wish I could put animated gifs on a t-shirt.
Dammit future t-shirt technology. Get here already.
Luigi looks like the kinda guy to use 2 fingers when doing finger guns. No idea what I'm basing that off of, but I'm highly certain of it.
Didn't feel bad reading the headline
Nobody was injured in the shooting
But how quickly things change these days
I felt bad... it sort of implied a failure since it was such a short headline.
Begun, the class war has.
Gooood, let the proletariat flow through you
In America, shots get fired into people's homes on a daily basis. That sort of thing doesn't usually make even statewide news.
We should worry about fixing those other problems before worrying about some rich prick. If the rich person is so concerned about their safety, why don't they just hire some private security?
I don't see any reason why this is being treated as news.
Because this was likely a message.
I'm sorry, I didn't catch what they said, could they repeat it?
Because all the other times people shoot into houses it just happens that their guns are pointed there and loaded and the security mechanism is a bit wonky and all of a sudden 50 bullet holes in the wall and windows...
So are shots fired at normal people’s homes. Usually it’s a message from a rival gang but it’s still a message.
Message to who about what?
No. This is how we fix the other problems. You don't let the cancer grow and treat the symptoms; you kill the cancer.
can't deny it, it's time to defend and depose.
the new claims motto
Yes :) that’s right. Keep reporting on class warfare, please.
I wonder how this is affecting life insurance rates for insurance CEOs.
I am here for uplifting news like this!
but they missed
This was a workman's comp insurance CEO not a US healthcare CEO. The difference is unlike healthcare insurers, workman's comp isn't paid into by the victim and they actually provide some benefit at least in theory.
Except if you ask anyone that's ever had to deal with workers comp its always too little too late and a mountain of bullshit. Workers comp is arguably even worse than normal health insurance companies to deal with.
I don't really care what he's the CEO of.
Rich people need to redistribute their wealth or die.
It's that simple.
I pray they do so peacefully, or if they refuse, that we can do what we must without losing our humanity.
The Soviets are a cautionary tale: they were forced to slay monsters and demons to gain their freedom, but somewhere in the process of slaying monsters they became monsterous themselves. That isn't a critique of communism, but rather that war can turn men into demons.
Define rich.
They are generally on par with uhc from my experience with them
Any kids or spouse present?
With how reckless this was I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Boogaloo stunt to frame leftists either. They were caught doing that with George Floyd protesters after all.
Yeah if there was no one home this is the equivalent to a publicity stunt.
I'll wait to see if they start passing legislation to protect CEOs before I call "false flag" though
They were home. They thought it was rocks at the time.
We should be doing the same at trump-related events. There are no rules anymore. We already know that right-wing terrorists get coddled by police, so there is practically 0 risk
Another luigi.