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  • Anyone wanna start a business with me? Luxury organic prime $18 strawberries picked fresh from my local supermarket daily. All I need is some swank packaging and a storefront.

    • $19


      Normally, in markets, you can sell below someone else's price and customers will indeed come to you. Lower price means more demand. That is, this is a traditional demand curve.

      However, there are some goods for which this does not hold. For such goods, increasing the price actually means that there is more demand. The thing becomes more-desirable the more expensive it is.

      That's frequently associated with luxury goods. There, the price itself can make something a status symbol, or perhaps people use price information to try to judge how desirable the thing is.

      The economic term for such a thing is a Veblen good.

      A Veblen good is a type of luxury good, named after American economist Thorstein Veblen, for which the demand increases as the price increases, in apparent contradiction of the law of demand, resulting in an upward-sloping demand curve.

      The higher prices of Veblen goods may make them desirable as a status symbol in the practices of conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure. A product may be a Veblen good because it is a positional good, something few others can own.

      My guess is that this strawberry isn't actually all that amazing. What makes it notable is that it, well, costs $19. It may be a Veblen good, in which case you may have a hard time trying to sell similar strawberries while focusing on the value proposition.

    • I saw that Zuckerberg had a $900,000 watch. I cannot figure out what would cause a watch the cost that much so I figured someone is just selling an expensive watch and a billionaire will buy it because it’s expensive.

      So do you want to get in on expensive sticks we found in the woods? Starting price 200 grand

      • Status symbol, aka "I need to differentiate myself from those lowly serfs, lest they think themselves as equal to me!"

      • I mean, there's a lot of very impressive manual labour in that watch. Not 900k of it, but still, if you wanna charge prices like that, you probably need some kinda storied history, or innovation, or whatever else you can gesture at justifying your outrageous pricing.

        Also needs some stir, maybe find someone more or less famous willing to wear your product, would be best if they also made a scene while wearing it.

  • Individually packaged strawberries... Some people just want to get fucked by the environment, don't they?