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What was your first ttrpg product?

Was wondering about this and how it might not be the same as ones first system played. (let's not count general dice or battle maps etc. this time)

For me it might be either Mouse Guard 2e boxed set or DnD 5e Tomb of Annihilation book.

  • Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set

    Don't know what revision, though.

    goes looking through cover art of different revisions

    I believe it was the 1983 revision.

  • I think it must have been Xananthar's for D&D 5e. I'd been playing for ages, but that was the first book I wanted a physical copy of. I have a copy of the Player's Handbook as well now, and more recently, I bought the FFXIV TTRPG, as well as the Star Trek Adventures: Lower Decks splatbook. Everything else is digital or improvised

  • Call of Cthulhu sourcebook (Ed 5.6.1) and a set of dice. Bought from a little shelf of RPG books at my local comic book shop. Was also the first system I played.

  • That I owned personally, I think it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness. If not that, then it was Palladium Fantasy RPG.

  • The first system I played was the D&D Next playtest but the first rpg product I bought was the Shadowrun 5e corerulebook. I never actually played it and it seems too complicated for my tastes now but I still have the book.

  • I was gifted a D&D Monster Manual Core III. Found the pictures and descriptions interesting. Stat blocks were gibberish in my ignorant eyes.