I am from a different millenia
I am from a different millenia
I am from a different millenia
She rode a horse into my head
She won't discipline the children
And now they're running wild on the beach
And I don't care, oh, I don't care
No, I don't care hey, hey, hey
So I wore my wallet on a chain, which was the style at the time.
You could put a PlayStation disk into a CD player, skip a few tracks, and listen to the songs from the game
Not all of them, only if it had Redbook audio.
311 had a secret song before the first track. You had to rewind to hear it. Only time I'm aware of that happening (there's probably others that I don't know about).
I don't know that I'd call it a song per se, but Brand New did this on The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me. I think it was like a minute of stuff that seamlessly blends right into the start of Sowing Season. I don't own the CD and I only heard that part once like 15 years ago, so I truly can't remember what it was. Maybe like a message on an answering machine?
Edit: found it
I was thinking, yeah Rammstein also did something like that. Looked it up and turns out there is a wiki list of all CD's that did this. Wikipedia
I'll never forget my surprise when I put the Half-Life 1 CD into a player and got the soundtrack.
Oh yeah? Well back in MY day the Dead Kennedys put out this cassette tape and all the music was on one side and the other side was blank and there was a note that said something like... oh what was it now... "Home taping is killing record industry profits! We left this side blank so you can help." Yep that was really something.
"...and ripping that CD was annoying, because you then had an over long last track with the secret song, and you had to split the tracks manually and come up with tags on your own, or..."
(Seriously, the only reason I listened rarely to the last song in Halo CE soundtrack was because of this.)
The CDs I remember with it would have the secret party track start with like ten minutes of nothing
Just FYI millennia is a plural form: one millennium, two millennia. So you're from a different millennium.
I was there, Gandalf...three thousand years ago...
Maybe he is over a thousand years old, don't you see the wrinkles?
Those of us that were born before 2000: am I a joke to you?
I'm also in that group, I only meant to write a direct parallel to the title, for comparison :-)
There was a brief and glorious time when this was the apex of technology and culture. Too early and the album was also available on cassette and it was obvious there was playtime left at the end of the album, too late and the rise of the internet meant the secret wouldn't even make it to the release of the album.
Kingdom.... Of the dinosaurs....
Rip off your face.... Of the dinosaurs...
Don't see a lot of Five Iron Frenzy references around here! It's such a.... specific genre.
Good old endless, nameless
I remember listening to Nevermind for probably the first time while playing computer games. I thought the CD (new technology for me at the time) had broken and started chewing the disc like an old tape
And before that there were records with secret spirals.
Those were kind of annoying because it was essentially luck if the draw which one you got.
Records could also have bits at the end meant to loop as the needle bounced. The Beatles' Day in the Life has this, which sounds weird in other media.
And with locked grooves, metal machine music for instance has a loop on the innermost groove on side D so it can be played infinitely. There's also records with only loops made with locked grooves.
One band pressed the sound of a C64 BASIC program onto vinyl that could be recorded onto tape and loaded with the c64 tape deck. All sorts of shenanigans.
I had Monty Python's 'Matching Tie And Hankerchief' which had two side As.
Whoa, I have a bunch of records and never knew this.
Tools opiate for the masses is double grooved on the b side and Dale Crover of the Melvin's released a Solo album with each track being its own groove
My favorite thing was burning discs with hidden tracks, especially before track 1. Or inserting a song/sound within a track requiring you to seek to find it.
Too bad for me this was around the time CDs were on their way out, but I hold hope that my old friends from those days might still have those discs.
You know what really grinds my gears?
Region-specific bonus tracks that are literally not available on any streaming service in an official capacity; the only place I can find them are on YouTube - where they could get DMCA’ed at a moment’s notice..
Two tracks off the top of my head like this are:
I believe that Take Off Your Pants and Jacket was released with 6 different secret songs (in the US anyway). Each album came with 2 of the 6, so you had to see if your friends got the other ones on their albums.
It was a good time!
I recently went back to pirating and transferring music to my phone like it was an iPod, lol. VLC is a good player (and works with Android Auto), and Strawberry is good on Linux for listening and library management. The SoulSeek network has a lot of hard to find stuff in flac (I use the Nicotine+ client).
hate how streaming just has the last song be 20 minutes of silence and then playing the secret song. for gods sake can we please just shorten that, it fucks with my playlists
But thats the song. It's just not the same without 80 minutes of silence in advance
Some cds were like that. Others had 90 1 second tracks.
Marilyn Manson's 'Antichrist Superstar' had 99 tracks. That confused the fuck out of me when I first put it in my player.
Enjoy the silence.
"What's a liner note?"
I was alone...
I was all by myself...
No one was lookiiiiing...
I have some CDs with a -1 track before the first track. Boy was my 15 year old self delighted when I stumbled upon these sweet extra songs!
I think 1977 by Ash has -1 and a -2 tracks as well as a hidden one at the end.
Don’t forget the secret messages you get from playing the whole album backwards at x4 speed.
That's how I got my favorite lentil soup recipe!
Sometimes videos and games too
Makes me think of Monster Rancher on PSX where the monster generated was based on what disc you put in. You could use literally any disc. Such a cool idea.
I had so much fun experimenting with all the discs in our household with Monster Rancher 4. Thanks for bringing that memory back!
Not CD based but barcode battlers too how did that all fall off in game design.
Last time I had this was with Tyler's IGOR vinyl I got in 2019 or so that had the extra track "Boyfriend" that wasn't on Spotify, but I think it has since been released on tidal or some other obscure music service by niw.
Quickly became my fav track off the album too.
I wish Discogs wouldn't use PayPal so I could still use it (it would appear I got shadow-banned). I only have 4 CDs...
Anyway, I got one with a hidden track which I only noticed visually on Teamwork by DJs@Work. Since there's a while of silence, the audio part is visibly spaced out on furthermost part of the disc.
I'm flying.....I'm flying.....I'm flying away
You're personally responsible for...
\ The entire strip...to be washed away...