I don't get it, why some people simping for "monarchism" and have no knowledge about it
I don't get it, why some people simping for "monarchism" and have no knowledge about it
I don't get it, why some people simping for "monarchism" and have no knowledge about it
All monarchists believe that they belong to some nobility or they will become such new nobility if monarchy wins because...e-em... well... oof... yeah they will, trust me.
Probably because "muh wholesome 100 inbreed family with some gold hat is very based, me very smarter person"
I had a Physics teacher who joked that "monarchism is the best political system because, when things are going badly, all you have to do is behead the monarch".
r/monarchy is full of these cunts its funny as fuck
paradox games + muh old lost glory
monarchists are just inbreeding apologists
Probably those that simply learn about those things from paradox games.