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Fun website technologies?

So I've got a new domain and I want to do some fun stuff with it. Specifically, I'm looking for something that's fun to make as well as use.

I've got experience making webservers in p much every major language. My first instinct is to use NextJS just because it's fast and I've used it most recently, but then I also feel the allure of just rawdawging my own HTML/CSS+JS, like my forebears might've done. XML is kind of a pain to handbomb, though; all those closing tags, etc... Though I'm sure there are plugins for that.

Any suggestions? What was the last tool you used that really sparked your joy of creativity? Any really fun frameworks, stacks, editors, etc?

  • hotwire(turbo+stimulus.js)

    used it with a java (spring) backend and with a python(flask) backend to get rid of some page reloads and an easy way to display information based on something happening in the backend via server sent events. did not need to do much more than wrap parts of the existing html templates in


    -elements and the client code to handle server sent events was pretty small to. fun experience, especially because most of my code stayed in languages, iam way more comfortable with than javascript.

    htmx would have worked simmiliar, but i had prior experience with turbo, so i used that.

    • This is really cool. Thanks for the brief intro too. I definitely will be trying this out when I start pushing events from the backend. It'll be fun to check out something other than React for once.