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When software devs expect you to pipe a script straight from the internet into Bash...

Developers: I will never ever do that, no one should ever do that, and you should be ashamed for guiding people to. I get that you want to make things easy for end users, but at least exercise some bare minimum common sense.

The worst part is that bun is just a single binary, so the install script is bloody pointless.

Bonus mildly infuriating is the mere existence of the .sh TLD.

Edit b/c I'm not going to answer the same goddamned questions 100 times from people who blindly copy/paste the question from StackOverflow into their code/terminal:

WhY iS ThaT woRSe thAn jUst DoWnlOADing a BinAary???

  1. Downloading the compiled binary from the release page (if you don't want to build yourself) has been a way to acquire software since shortly after the dawn of time. You already know what you're getting yourself into
  2. There are SHA256 checksums of each binary file available in each release on Github. You can confirm the binary was not tampered with by comparing a locally computed checksum to the value in the release's checksums file.
  3. Binaries can also be signed (not that signing keys have never leaked, but it's still one step in the chain of trust)
  4. The install script they're telling you to pipe is not hosted on Github. A misconfigured / compromised server can allow a bad actor to tamper with the install script that gets piped directly into your shell. The domain could also lapse and be re-registered by a bad actor to point to a malicious script. Really, there's lots of things that can go wrong with that.

The point is that it is bad practice to just pipe a script to be directly executed in your shell. Developers should not normalize that bad practice.

  • I've seen a lot of projects doing this lately. Just run this script, I made it so easy!

    Please, devs, stop this. There are defined ways to distribute your apps. If it's local provide a binary, or a flatpak or exe. For docker, provide a docker image with well documented environments, ports, and volumes. I do not want arbitrary scripts that set all this up for me, I want the defined ways to do this.

  • I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you find this more than mildly infuriating.

    • I think you and a lot of others are late to the idea that mildly is kinda like a joke. Many things are majorly infuriating. On the reddit, many of their top posts aren't even major. They're catastrophic, just absurd. I've yet to find anything mild

  • You really should use some sort of package manager that has resistance against supply chain attacks. (Think Linux distros)

    You probably aren't going to get yourself in trouble by downloading some binary from Github but keep in mind Github has been used for Malware in the past.

  • I'm with you, OP. I'll never blindly do that.

    Also, to add to the reasons that's bad:

    • you can put restrictions on a single executable. setuid, SELinux, apparmor, etc.
    • a simple compromise of a Web app altering a hosted text file can fuck you
    • it sets the tone for users making them think executing arbitrary shell commands is safe

    I recoil every time I see this. Most of the time I'll inspect the shell script but often if they're doing this, the scripts are convoluted as fuck to support a ton of different *nix systems. So it ends up burning a ton of time when I could've just downloaded and verified the executable and have been done with it already.

  • I'll do it if it's hosted on Github and I can look at the code first but if it's proprietary? Heck no

  • tbf, every time you're installing basically anything at all, you basically trust whoever hosts the stuff that they don't temper with it. you're already putting a lot of faith out there, and i'm sure a lot of the software actually contains crypto-mineware or something else.

  • You are being irrational about this.

    You're absolutely correct that it is bad practice, however, 98% of people already follow bad practice out of convenience. All the points you mentioned against "DoWnlOADing a BinAary" are true, but it's simply what people do and already don't care about.

    You can offer only your way of installing and people will complain about the inconvenience of it. Especially if there's another similar project that does offer the more convenient way.

    The only thing you can rationally recommend is to not make the install script the "recommended" way, and recommend they download the binaries from the source code page and verify checksums. But most people won't care and use the install script anyway.

    If the install script were "bloody pointless", it would not exist. Most people don't know their architecture, the script selects it for them. Most people don't know what "adding to path" means, this script does it for them. Most people don't know how to install shell completions, this script does it for them.

    You massively overestimate the average competence of software developers and how much they care. Now, a project can try to educate them and lose potential users, or a project can follow user behavior. It's not entirely wrong to follow user behavior and offer the better alternatives to competent people, which this project does. It explains that it's possible and how to download the release from the Github page.

  • I'm curious, op, do you think it's bad to install tools this way in an automated fashion, such as when developing a composed docker image?

    • Very much yes

      You want to make your Dockerfile be as reproducible as possible. I would pull a specific commit from git and build from source. You can chain together containers in a single Dockerfile so that one container builds the software and the other deploys it.

      • I mean, you're not op. But your method requires all updates to be manual, while some of us especially want updates to be as automated as possible.

    • Protect from accidental data damage: for example the dev might have accidentally pushed an untested change where there's a space in the path

      rm -rf / ~/.thatappconfig/locatedinhome/nothin.config

      a single typo that will wipe the whole drive instead of just the app config (yes, it happened, I remember clearly more a decade ago there was a commit on GitHub with lots of snarky comments on a script with such a typo)

      Also: malicious developers that will befriend the honest dev in order to sneak an exploit.

      Those scripts need to be universal, so there are hundreds of lines checking the Linux distro and what tools are installed, and ask the user to install them with a package manager. They require hours and hours of testing with multiple distros and they aren't easy to understand too... isn't it better to use that time to simply write a clear documentation how to install it?

      Like: "this app requires to have x, y and z preinstalled. [Instructions to install said tools on various distros], then copy it in said subdirectory and create config in ~/.ofcourseinhome/"

      It's also easier for the user to uninstall it, as they can follow the steps in reverse

      • Yes I understand all of that, but also in the context of my docker containers I wouldn't be losing any data that isn't reproducible