Why Canadians don't have to worry about egg prices - for now
Why Canadians don't have to worry about egg prices - for now
Why Canadians don't have to worry about egg prices - for now
Tangible proof as to why regulations are important. Red tape might suck for day-to-day operations, but it is vital to prevent major disruptions caused by allowing market forces to do whatever it wants. Markets optimize for profits over all other considerations, while regulations (when done right) prevent industries from taking dangerous risk or work against the benefit of a population for the sake of pure profits.
This is also why we did so well during the 2008 financial meltdown. Unfortunately those regulations were removed since thanks to Harper, so we're just as vulnerable to such a meltdown as the US was at the time.
Unfortunately for the US, they've already been removing protections all over the place, including several states that have legalized children working in factories like the sort of practice that was banned after the Victorian era. And now, entire swathes of regulations are being deleted wholesale due to Musk, and it will only take a small bump somewhere to make entire industries to crash taking actual lives with them, not to mention livelihoods.
Regulation: slightly higher base prices, no major swings.
Just look at the Texas energy grid, where they had "low" power costs, until there was a crisis, and then people were charged hundred of dollars per kwh.
That presumes that they even got power. A bunch of people died in their homes because of the outage.
The animals we create are owed the exact same unconditional love and protection as our own children. Their experiences are real and matter. Their suffering is identical in nature to your own. It harms us when we take pleasure in cruelty and violence.
You already know these animals suffer hell. Billions of individuals each year. You know it, but you refuse to emotionally process it. You want to be able to act as if you did not know it, or as if it didn't matter. So, you are emotionally dishonest with yourself. You practice your deception constantly. You've put in your ten thousand hours. What a terrible skill to develop. How else do you lie to yourself?
You're going to have to find a different line of reasoning. There's enough people out there that don't care enough about other humans that might be slightly different than themselves. You're never going to convince them that a bunch of chickens deserve empathy when they don't even have empathy for their fellow (hu)man.
I would gladly kill and torture 100billion chickens to even slightly improve the life of a human. I find it morally reprehensible to do otherwise. I am well aware of what happens at egg farms and male chick grinder specifically.
Someone should tell the grocery stores that. Eggs are going up like there's some of issue here, but I guess I shouldn't be surprises the fuckers take advantage
All prices are going up on April 1st because if Canadians can pay for heat and food, that means Canadians have too much money. Watch in April what happens.