That kind of smoke would only work if someone blew into the pipe. That's not how drugs work. You want the smoke to go in.
Just kids injecting marijuanas, not a cell phone in sight.
You can have your drugs, or you can have Koffing blowing smoke. Make your choice, but choose wisely.
Or it serves as a way to dissipate the smoke smell when breathing out. In my college days, we called it a "sploof."
Maybe it has a valve that redirects incoming smoke through Koffing's "ports"? That's just the kind of thing I would do with it if I were high!
That's less of a bong and more of smoke stacks on top of top hats. A nod to the Industrial Revolution.
Turn it into an incense burner and they might go for it
or a diffuser even
Call me a smoker cause I’m KOFFING!!
Forever the best pokemon ♥️
4Kids otw to turn it into a lollipop: