A based [Rule]ponse
A based [Rule]ponse
A based [Rule]ponse
Please don't stuff a firearm in your waist band without a proper holster.
Their gender is bad gun safety
Why do I get the feeling they're hoping the gun will go off and then they can get their bottom surgeryreconstruction covered?
I have panzerkampfwagen IV in my pants and I do not fear of using it!
This is funny, but yeah, super bad gun safety. It's best to keep it in a holster, not shoved into your pants.
Especially pointing to your (in this case non disclosed) genitals.
That's pretty common actually. It's called IWB CC (Inside Waist Band Concealed Carry). There's also AIWB (Appendix Inside Waistband), sometimes just called Appendix carry. The big issue is that it's not inside a holster. The holster gaurds the trigger so that an ND is more difficult. Holsters also have retention so you're less likely to have a gun drop, where the gun falls off your person unexpectedly.
but they were disclosed, the gun is pointing at another gun 🤭
Came to comments to say the same thing. Had a friend put a bullet through his thigh. The bullet was stopped by his knee-cap. He had his 9mm tucked in his belt. He was hiking and stumbled in rough terrain in the middle of nowhere. It was tucked more to his side, so at least his dick wasn't at risk....he said the helicopter ride was fun though!
Everyone keeps talking about gun safety but I'm just wondering if Foot Locker is still in business and if they let employees carry
Brandishing is illegal. Unless you intend to kill whatever you are pointing a firearm at, don't pull it out or give away that you are armed.
even if they ask?
Especially if they ask. Now they're nosy and suspicious.
What are you? a cop?
The question "are you male or female" in any convo outside a medical screening is also rude (and kind of a poor question in that context). The question framing is also explicitly hostile towards not-binary identification, as it's assuming that the person's biological sex matters more than their own self-perception.You should instead just ask their pronouns or how they identify.
It's passive aggressiveness responded in kind with passive aggressiveness. The questioner also keeps pushing, so the gun is a very explicit and aggressive "BTFO and let me live my life, stop trying to force me into one of your boxes"
EDIT: Godspeed, mods o7