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  • Hot Take or something, but worth is not a constant.

    You can be ain’t-shit and become great. And sadly, vice versa.

    Take some accountability and strive to always be better.

  • Imho an even better idea : abolish the whole concept of self worth. It can't be negative if it doesn't exist. Being is enough, it's what matters the most. Having to "be worth" on top of that, in the eye of others or even oneself ? No thanks.

    I know what I'm saying is not very different from the OP, but I care about the nuance.

    This message was made by the "my psychiatrist is on holidays" gang.

    But I mean it.

    But hell are those holidays long.

    • I wanted to disagree with you or come up with an example of when having self worth would be better than the concept not existing, but I can't think of anything. Maybe I had too many shrooms on my last trip, but I get what you are saying.

  • Another great thing to remember while in one of the lower moods that this feeling will too pass.