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Best domain registrar for degoogling?

Looking to start the process, and want to host my own domain for email so I don't have to repeat this when changing email providers in the future again. Does anyone have any recommendations of solid ones with a focus on privacy and are reliable? I've heard Namecheap is good, but would love other recommendations.

  • If you're new to running your own domain, a bit of advice I'd give is to separate your domain hosting and your DNS. So register via, say, Namecheap, and set your NS records there to point at a DNS provider like Cloudflare where you keep the records for that domain. That way if one of them goes down for an extended period or belly up, you don't lose access since you can move the nameservers to a different DNS provider or transfer the domain because you still can prove you have control of the DNS. Basic root server caching will keep you up for a long time if you split that way.

  • I use Njalla, founded by one of the guys behind The Pirate Bay. Maybe it's a bit unconventional of an option, but it works nicely. I don't think you can get more focus on privacy anywhere :)

  • I'm not sure about the focus on privacy, but DreamHost has been pretty reliable for me. I have my custom domain routed to Proton for email (got a two year plan before all the politics came out... blarg).