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What European kola and soda brands do you know, as alternatives to Coke and Pepsi?

I know Afri Kola (not much, only have had it a couple of times in Germany) and Fritz Kola (moree common in other countries, delicious, also other flavours, orange and apple are very very good).

  • A.G. Barr of Scotland produce a variety of fizzy drinks, including Barr cola. Can be seen in most medium or above sized shops in the UK, unsure of their availability abroad.

  • Austria has a quite big drinks economy for being a small-ish country. Now I havent tried each of these yet, but here are a few brands:

    • Keli is one of the most well-known lemonade/soda brands and has a Cola flavour drink
    • Frucade is a good german-austrian lemonade brand, but has no Cola drink
    • "Tirola Kola" from Tyrol
    • Pedacola from Upper Austria (weirdly enough not a black colour)
    • "Murelli Dracola" from Styria (yes, a Dracula pun since this region allegedly inspired the story)
    • "Strizzi Cola" from Salzburg
  • Freeway zero sugar from Lidl is pretty good and can probably be bought in a lot of European countries.

  • Green Cola is stevia-based and I believe it originates in Greece. I've had it on purpose at times.

  • In Greece we have "Green Cola" made using Stevia (not sugar, not Aspartame). It's the only one I buy, tastes fine. As far as I've seen (?), it's a smaller bootstrapped company in competition with the encumbant bottling mega-companies, so there is that benefit too.