Shitpost to the future lemmings!
Shitpost to the future lemmings!
Shitpost to the future lemmings!
Sounds heartless unless you realize it's not
May your beans forever potash.
of maybe, Beans long and potash.
If you're American, your potash is about to be severely tariffed.
A shit post made is a shit post earned
Our shitposts lay a shitpost foundation upon which a mighty shitpost empire shall survive and thrive!
other than shitposting there’s not that much more that a feeble senior can do is there? I mean y’all want me to VOTE too?? OMG!
Shitpost is one of the best Sublemmys (is it sublemmys? I don’t know how to call 'em) there, Itcs not a niche place for shitposting, but more of a balanced standalone community!
Just call them communities.