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US aid freeze claims first victims as oxygen supplies cut off

In Umpiem Mai camp in Thailand, which is home to more than 10,000 people who fled the brutal civil war in neighbouring Myanmar, a resident and a health worker told ABC that multiple patients who were reliant on oxygen have now died.

“The medical workers left without even taking the equipment and the patients had to return to their homes, including some who had to be carried out,” said Sulaiman Mawlawi, a camp resident. “It was a very tragic moment for us.”

    • Careful, people might try to tell you that you share responsibility too. I've had waaaaay too many people try to tell me that I, a trans woman who voted for Harris, must somehow share responsibility for my own oppression and the oppression of others at GOP hands.

      Fucking disgusting.

      Edit: one person has gone far enough to compare me to Martin Niemoller, a Nazi supporter who switched sides after his face got eaten by leopards.

      • I've heard multiple really fucking disturbing things regarding queer people on Lemmy lately that do not get enough pushback and that is one of them.

        Some others said to me (paraphrased):

        "You're complaining about a genocide that hasn't happened yet when there's genocide going on right now in Gaza!" The reaction to that link: "That isn't genocide and you're making light of genocide if you call it that."

        "You ran away instead of staying to fight" (Said to me multiple times because I got my gay daughter out of the fucking country to save her) along with "you think she'll be any safer in the UK?" Yes. Not one person has threatened her for being queer since she's been here or given her shit for dressing too "manly." When she was in school in Indiana? Yes, those were among the multiple ways she was severely bullied until she literally could not take public school anymore and so we put her in an online school.

        But people would much rather point fingers and blame each other than do anything productive. That is being made clear to me over and over on Lemmy.

    • But … but … gEnOciDe

      • What the Biden administration and the US writ large have done to Palestine is unambiguously genocide. Biden, Harris, and every politician who clapped for Netanyahu can rot in hell.

        What sickens me is the obvious the fact that Trump was only going to make the genocide even much worse while destroying human rights in every other aspect of his presidency, and everyone who failed to meaningfully vote against him knew or should absolutely have known that.