Random 2015-5-17
Random 2015-5-17
Random 2015-5-17
Anyone who calls it a "drill machine" should not be allowed to use power tools
What if I refer to myself as a drill machine?
This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!
My wood shop teacher would insist it was "drill driver" and would bust your grade down if you only called it a drill.
Can I borrow your car machine?
In denmark we call it a "boremaskine", literally "drilling machine"...
Openly admitting to being pedantic. That said, here we go: it's a DRIVER, the end is the CHUCK, which holds the SHANK of the BIT, which can be a DRILL.
I understand it's a setup to the punchline, and nobody actually gives a shit.
A drill and a driver are separate tools. You can fit driver bits in a drill's chuck, but it's not its intended purpose. A driver is meant specifically to drive screws, and it's better at the job than a drill.
Most tools today are drill driver combo devices, they do both jobs well.
I appreciate you, and thank you.
This is what I came here for.
this was extremely satisfying to read
They wrote this entire fucking thing for the joke at the end.
I mean, isn't that how most jokes work?
No! It's a drill bit bit!
Grandpa called it a “drill motor”