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  • If you look at the user's profile that added it, does it by any chance say they work for Lyft? I've never seen that particular source before.

    • Oh wow, that opened up a can of worms!

      Yes, the user does seem to work for Lyft, and their profile has a few links. One leads to:

      "We have 3 kinds of data that owned by Lyft:

              “Lyft telemetry data" – Lyft drivers GPS tracks
          “Lyft-owned street-level imagery” - photos collected by cameras installed in our drivers' vehicles. This data is updated frequently. Photos are not older than a year, and sometimes even a month.
          "Lyft-owned aerial imagery" – As for now it is Nearmap imagery. They do allow us to use their imagery for OSM edits by license.


      I guess that explains it! Thanks for putting me in the right direction. It's a shame that they don't share and grant an open license to that imagery. Seems more updated than Google Streetview, and since Lyft uses OSM data, it only seems right to share.

      • I found this on the OSM wiki:

        Lyft welcomes feedback and suggestions on improving the editing process. When members of the editing team receive feedback or comments on a changeset, it is considered a top priority to respond and make corrective action on their OSM edits if required. If you have any questions about the editing process, or a specific edit done by the Lyft team, please reach out by sending an email to dct-osm(at) Responses to inquiries received are typically sent within two business days. skudrashou_lyft and technician_lyft are acting as a primary contact person for the team.

        While I admit having updated streetside images would be great, I might be too lazy to reach out to ask :D

      • @Showroom7561 @End0fLine
        As much as I despise the business idea of "let's make taxis cheaper by running illegal taxi companies disguised as tech companies", if they use some of their ill gotten gains to improve #OpenStreetMap, then I'm a bit more forgiving I guess 😂