The Grackle Returns
The Grackle Returns
Time for a snack.
The Grackle Returns
Time for a snack.
That's what I'm going with, a Common Grackle. He appears to check all the boxes, as far as I know. Edit. This is in North Mississippi.
Love the feeder!
Do you happen to know what kind? I'm not sure I've seen a grackle with so much brown.
@GlassHalfHopeful @Peanutbuttergrits
not sure where they saw it, but if i saw it around here, i'd call it as Common Grackle
they do have that amount of brown but it's a play of light type of thing where most of the time they just look like an all-over black bird until the light is striking their plumage at the right angle
Yeah, the iridescent colors can really trick you. They are fun little creatures.
What a beauty.