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Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months

  • thats why i block them all.

    they aint making money off of annoying me.

  • I have no issue in paying creators with my YouTube Premium subscription. What annoys me is seeing creators feed the algorithm with “regular posts” or create filler videos for sponsors when they have nothing to say.

    That and seeing explainer videos from someone who learned something five minutes before recording… the number of copycats and regurgitating the same news content is depressing.

    The same goes for the epidemic of faceless AI videos narrating generic content… horrible. The “don't recommend channel” must be worn off by now, from me alone. :-)

    Fantastic exceptions from talented creators make it worth it, so I am happy.

  • "But we can't pay our content creators! We're a starving tech company! Niche stuff no one uses or has heard of! We needed to cut the money so they had to push scams!"