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  • my faithful companions

    It is far too early of the morning to make contact with the folks I have made myself a family of. I treasure them too dearly to wake them at such an hour with what my wife so lovingly describes as, my nonsense. And so I put it to you, fellow lemmings, to receive this missive.

    It's been nearly two hours if the clock is to be trusted, since I last left the warm embrace of a comfortable bed, two dogs, and my aforementioned partner. My heart yearns to be enveloped in those sheets once more. But the modern luxuries we all enjoy come with a price, and that price is paid in time. Times like these, friends, where the gap between me and cold steel is filled with warm coffee, delightful banter, and a hefty pinch of salty attitude.

    I write to you at this ungodly for want of something better to do. As my presence at work was requested politely behind the threat of not so polite demands, but in all that commotion they forgot to give us anything to do. And so here we all sit, collecting a wage plus a half, longing for our beds.

    Tell the others I miss them, or don't. They'll not care either way, and take care friends. My shift is only just begun.


  • Dear friends,

    I have assembled you here on this fine occasion with the hope in my heart that you will all take this opportunity to showcase your talents of the quill and the mind.

    Let us cheer each other with prose both flowery and ornate. While the world around us may be filled with horrors and dread, let not our hearts yeild to despair, but rather let us lift each other with turns of phrase meant to delight and amuse.

    Yours truly, Pencil_noob

    • p.s. I would humbly request any assistance with the job of moderation on this new community, so if any of you fine souls would do me honor of commenting on my initial post over there I will be able to promote you to this esteemed position. While it is a task both thankless and challenging, it is a critical one for both the growth and sustainment of quality. I beg you noble folk, please join me on this task of moderation